A Rut??? Rev Engineered Progress (?)
Welcome back to Danielle rides the struggle bus in Rhino! As if I wasn't disappointed with my turn out last week, I have some mega underwhelming progress to show this week. I feel like I have to constantly remind myself that failing and starting over is part of the learning but I struggle really hard with not getting things in the first go, so this week has been very challenging. I started off trying to model these seriously micro screws, it's near impossible to take any measurement on them to begin with. Not only could I not get the bottom of the screw to look the same, but I got to the point where I needed to extrude the profile of the thread which is not circular and I could not get it to work for the life of me. I was knee deep in youtube videos but nothing showed me how to achieve the shape I needed. It was also frustrating because I remember learning how to do it but it's the one step of the process I couldn't execute. So after I burned through my four hours fai...