Genexxa - RevEngineered Selection

My dad has this gold edition cassette Walkman, it's got the OG headphones and theres some really stellar photos of him running down the beach with it clipped into his lifeguard shorts - the looked completed with white socks, Reeboks and his permed mullet. I felt like this was the energy I was trying to harness for my portfolio so I went on a scavenger hunt to locate the Walkman in the attic. The only thing I found was my mother telling me she will disown me if I took it apart. SO, I took a quick trip down to this little antique shop and found sadly, nothing as cool as the Walkman (I did find a Born in the USA record which I bought and have been playing all morning, Brucey isn't really on the top of my mom's list). I scouted this microcassette recorder that came with two cassettes, and since I don't need to leave a tape recorder in my briefcase at the next foundation board meeting (praying theres some Seinfeld fans here), I thought this would be a cool thing to take apart and not have to worry about putting back together functionally. 

I tried to take the back off of the recorder to see if it was too big of a bite to chew but one of the screws is stuck so I'm still working on that. So for my second option I thought modelling the cassette itself would also work, theres some really complex curves on the inside and I think it would be a more challenging high quality render after modelling, which is something I'm really interested in.

My third option is this diffuser that I tried to spray paint and failed substantially at. I'm not super jazzed about the object, but I think it fits a lot of the requirements for this project nicely. It would also be a good opportunity to refinish the outside with checkers like I was planning on doing before I saw how poorly the spray paint dried. 


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