Love Me Some Prototyping and Proof Sheets!!!

 I'm having way too much fun with this project. Last week I chatted with Veronika, David and Erica about my thumbnails and concluded with three fan favorites: guillotine, monster truck and a fork for stabbing your eyes out or for when someone says "stick a fork in me I'm done." I really enjoyed connecting with people in class, I feel like with so many midterm projects due I've been a complete mole and only talked to my microwave - shoutout to David for making me giggle! 

I've been super stoked about my guillotine ring since I started modelling it and have been harassing everyone to look at it. It's fully functional, which I'm not sure will translate to the print but it was fun to model nonetheless. I added little pulley's on the top so you could actually tie some string thorough and it would drop the blade. You wouldn't get very much momentum unless it was spring loaded so I guess it's not fully functional, my dad suggested including a little t-bar that you could jam in the hole after you dropped it to completely sever the finger - sort of like a juicer, some food for thought lmao. I had a little trouble with the bend command on my fork, it's leaning off centre and I couldn't figure out how to fix it but other than that it was super lovely to be able to create something from scratch with such ease now that Rhino isn't me trying to get a glass of water in the dark at 3am. Also I just want to add that I looooove me a good proof sheet, I live for proofs so bless Brian for this satisfying moment. 

A fork for stabbing your eyes out or for when someone says "stick a fork in me I'm done."

Monster Truck


Proof Sheet


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